New research finds acupuncture effective in reducing blood pressure. The study discovered that patients taking antihypertensive medications benefitted from further reductions in blood pressure by adding acupuncture to the treatment regime. As a result, the researchers concluded that “acupuncture should be in the hypertension treatment guidelines and widely used for blood pressure regulation.”
Acupuncture NeedlesSubjects chosen for the study had been taking antihypertensive medications for at least 24 months. Each subject was taking between one and three medications for the treatment of high blood pressure. The pharmaceutical classes of drugs were a combination of ACE inhibitors, diuretics and/or beta blockers. Common medication side-effects experienced by the subjects included exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, joint pain, headaches, sleeping disorders, edema, a feeling of coldness in the extremities and depression. To maintain a consistent method of evaluating changes in blood pressure from acupuncture treatments, no changes to dietary intake or physical activity were implemented. Read More – Health CMI